Website Design Tips: 8 Ways To Create a Great Looking Website That Ranks Well

Read about the best Website Design Tips that help in giving the best guidance.

Making a small business success will require an entrepreneur to be tech-savvy. Modern business owners have to create an online presence for their brands if they want an opportunity to expand their reach. Approximately 71% of businesses in the United States have a website. However, many of these websites are not optimized for search engine success.

If you are new to the world of Websites design, then optimizing your website will be very difficult. This is why working with professionals that can offer help in developing a white label SEO strategy is vital. With their help, you can get your website on the radar of popular search engines like Google. Here are some things to consider when attempting to develop a great-looking website that ranks well on search engines.

1. Your Business Website Needs To Be Responsive

Over half of the traffic generated online comes from people using mobile devices. When these individuals land on your website, you want them to be able to view your content without having to resize the pictures and text. If a mobile user has to do this much work to view your content, they will probably get frustrated and leave. In the past few years, Google has instituted a mobile-first indexing policy for websites.

This means that this search engine juggernaut will look at the mobile version of your website when trying to assign a rank to your domain. If your website isn’t responsive, it will lead to it being ranked much lower. Instead of dealing with this problem, you need to work with website design professionals that give the best tips and tricks to make your website responsive.

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2. Relevant and Popular Keywords

The bots used to crawl websites will consider multiple factors when looking at a new domain. One of the main things these bots will do is try and figure out what your website is about based on the content it features. The written content on your web pages will be crawled in an attempt to identify keywords. If you want to get to the top of Google, you need to find a way to use popular industry-specific keywords in this text.

You also need to embed inbound and outbound links in your content. By doing this, you can provide these search engine bots with more context about your content. Getting links from popular websites to your domain is also a good way to give yourself a boost on search engine results pages. If you want to acquire these links, then you need to think about guest posting on reputable and popular websites related to your industry.

3. Focus On-Site Navigation

As you develop your new website, be sure to focus on providing the end-user with a good experience. Websites that are difficult to navigate usually rank low on search engine results pages. Rather than complicating the navigation on your website with drop-down menus or sidebars that take up too much of the screen is a horrible idea. Google likes websites that are easy to navigate and packed with useful information.

source: Pixabay

4. Website Speed is Important

Another important factor to consider when trying to get your website to the top of Google is speed. If your website is slow to load, it can affect your rank on popular search engines. Loading issues can also result in consumers getting frustrated and leaving your domain before they get a feel for what you offer. Large image file sizes, coding errors, and bad hosting can all cause slow loading issues. Fixing these problems quickly will require the help of web development company professionals.

5. Highlight Your Credibility

The average consumer has tons of options regarding the businesses they can use for various products/services. One of the main goals you should have when creating your new website is convincing visitors to use your business. You need to realize that the average person will want to know a lot about your business before they use your products/services. Highlighting how credible and trustworthy your business is can help you convince a person that is on the fence about using your business. 

Most people will look online for the reviews a business has received from former customers. If you want to make your website a lead generation and conversion machine, you need to put social proof on your homepage. If positive reviews are the first thing a person sees when they land on your website, they will instantly trust the other content on your domain. Reaching out to your customers and asking them for positive reviews is important. Most satisfied customers will have no problem providing these positive reviews, especially if you offer them an incentive. 

6. Your New Website Needs Plenty of Blogs

Driving organic traffic to your website is crucial when trying to ensure it generates leads. While there are many things you can do to drive traffic to your website, none are as effective as blog content. Educating your audience with the help of well-written blog content can help you position yourself as an industry leader. 

When you publish new blogs, popular search engines like Google will receive a notification. The more content you publish, the easier it will be to land at the top of search engine results pages. As you start to develop topics for new blogs, make sure you stay within your industry. The worst mistake a business owner can make with their website blogs is covering topics unrelated to their industry. 

Not only does this hurt your credibility, but it can also alienate parts of your audience. If you don’t have the time or talent needed to create new blogs for your website, hiring a content marketing agency is a good idea. 

7. Include Attention-Grabbing Photos

Are you developing a website to sell your products to online consumers? If so, you need to provide them with as much information as possible about the items you are selling. One of the best ways to help a potential customer visualize your products is by providing them with high-definition pictures. Without these pictures, you will have a hard time convincing a consumer to buy what you are selling. 

Once you have great photos of your products, you need to create detailed descriptions of each one. Providing consumers with the right details can help them make a decision regarding whether or not to buy the products. As you create these descriptions, be sure to add popular keywords to them. This will help them show up in search engine queries. 

8. Make Content Easy To Share

Creating blogs and videos is a great way to connect with modern consumers. Making it easy for these consumers to share this content is something you should view as a priority. The best way to accomplish this goal is by including social share buttons on all of your content. These buttons are used to immediately share content to popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 

Putting links to your company’s social media profiles in the footer of your website is also a good idea. By doing this, you can grow your following substantially over time. 

Bonus Point: Focus On Website Security

Besides design, websites should have security options as insecure websites do not attract customers. A secured padlock and HTTPS ensures that the website is secure to deal with. Moreover, if you have a single domain you can go with DV SSL certificate or have a multi domain then, you can get Comodo multi domain SSL to secure multiple websites. It saves your time and money as security is essential for customers’ Personal Identifiable information.

By following these website design tips, you can find a larger audience online.  


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