
Write for us

Guest posting and Interview article Guidelines


Devathon always welcomes high-quality articles and encourages practitioners, domain experts, topic experts, and industry leaders to submit in-depth articles. Our readers value articles that are educational, practical and timely. Our main audience is:

  • CEO’s, managers and decision-makers from startups
  • Project managers
  • Application design and architecture team
  • Technical team lead
  • Requirements management team
  • Web and App developers
  • People on the lookout for Web or App development for their businesses


Devathon addresses the entire professional web and mobile app development space from top-level architecture and design & development teams and through deployment and delivery. Devathon accepts topics under web and mobile app development and technologies around it. Check our blog for the topics and areas we cover the most example: React Native, Angular, Flutter, AI, PWA, etc.

Length of the article

Feature-length articles range between 1,500 words to 3,000 words. Below are the guidelines for writing Devathon-quality articles along with the requirements for proposing and submitting articles.

Writing style

The article should be easy to understand and should have a conversational tone as if you’re explaining a topic to a colleague. Our readers have basic knowledge and they don’t need lengthy introductions. Do not beef up the article for the sake of word count limit, be precise as possible. Use subheadings and bullet points where ever possible and maintain small paragraphs throughout the article. 


Submitting a proposal is simple and straightforward. If you already have a written article, just submit the draft to us and we will evaluate it and get back to you. If you don’t have the article ready, please suggest some topics and we will choose the best among them for you to write. 

Once we receive the proposal, we will review it and provide you the feedback. If the article idea/draft suits our policy and style, you will be paired with our editor and he/she will guide you until the article is polished and prepare it for submission.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • All articles are accepted/rejected based on various factors like the scope of the article, the quality of the article, and relevancy.
  • Give your best to specify the key take-aways from the article. The reader should benefit from the article so that he/she can implement the concept/idea/process in their projects.
  • The article should be no less than 1500 words. The ideal range could be 2000 – 2500 words.
  • Do not fluff the article for the sake of word count,  be as concise as possible. Do not include unnecessary links in the article.

Send your article drafts or topic proposals at


  A member of our editorial staff will get in touch with you to prepare the article for submission.

Submission and Format guidelines

Devathon articles are formatted for online reading, it should be simple and easy to read. Don’t send the article without proper formatting or complex formatting. Articles can be submitted in any of the following formats: Word or Google Doc. We’ll polish the style according to our style guide.

Images should be submitted separately with proper naming. Image formats are mainly JPG, PNG, and GIF. It should be optimized but the quality should be good enough. If you’re not producing images or if it is not your own, then make sure you use copyright-free or royalty-free images from the sources like pexels.com

The content should be first hand, it should be published or appeared anywhere else on the internet. It should be fresh and plagiarism free. If we find that it’s a copy, spun or plagiarism, we will remove the article at any time without any intimation

The article should not be promotional or advertorial. This means, do not mention your company name or products within the article. Also, do not include the screenshots of your own brand or products.

After submission, you hold no right against your article. It will be the property of Devathon. We can update, edit content, add/delete links or even merge multiple articles together based on our policies, SEO and strategies.

Coming to the benefits

  • We give you a byline with your photo, biography and a backlink. So, our reader can find out more about you and your work
  • You will gain industry exposure and community engagement.
  • We will promote your article on many platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
  • You will get authority and SEO benefits from the dofollow backlink
  • Your article will be shared with clients and subscribers by the newsletter.
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